I was checking out some of the extensions available for the
Firefox browser, and decided to give
StumbleUpon a try. As far as I can tell, it's a pseudo-random web surfer that takes you to pages that other StumbleUpon users have rated as good, and which match your preferences and interests.
You create a profile with your interests the first time you use it. Naturally, I clicked on "cats" as one of my interests. Because I find them very interesting. The very first time I used StumbleUpon, it took me to a spectacular blog with
jumping cats. What a winner!
By the way, I am a guy named Dave and I have a blog. Do you think it's coincidence that my first stumble took me to another blog by another guy named Dave? I dunno, maybe they put that in the code. Perhaps someone with a less common name can try StumbleUpon and see what happens to them.