Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My kingdom for a camera phone

My new blog header says "people blow my mind, everyday." Well, today my mind was blown by the following announcement, which is displayed prominently in the hall on the mens room door at work:
Attn: Please be considerate of the other men on this floor.
*Stop defecating* on the toilet seat!!!
It nearly killed me to read this...oh how I wish I had a picture to share with you all. Big red lettering, complete with asterisks and triple exclamation points. So bizarre. I want to steal this sign and hang it up in random places. Maybe on the bathroom door at Kate's house.


Anonymous said...

My blog header would be "I am grateful everyday to be a female."

Dave said...

Kate, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, *Stop defecating* on the toilet seat!!!

You are no longer allowed in the engineering center at school (which is where this sign was posted).

Sign update: someone took down the sign after a day or so. I guess they didn't think it made us look very good, as in "here on the left is the center for advanced image processing, and on your right is the men's room where we work on our aim."

Annabel Hine said...

Ha! Maybe I should make a sign for Cootie: "Stop pooing on Jonas' pillow!" Yes, that's right. The cat is moving out. It's hard to find a home for a 10-year-old cat though. But I kind of have to keep the kid...