A frog named Froggy leapt from lily pad to lily pad. Oh, how he leapt! He felt so free! He glided through the air...hop, hop, hop. But wait -- he felt a strange feeling on his noggin. What's this? His wig was missing!
How could this have happened!? Perhaps he lost it on the bank of the pond. He checked the bank. Nope, no wig on the bank. Perhaps it was back in the comfy frog hole where he had been napping. No, not there either! Then he saw his friend Happy Toad. "Why Froggy," said Happy Toad, "you decided to leave your wig at home! You look so nice without it! I've always felt that perhaps you were just hiding behind your wig, afraid to show the world your true frog head."

Now he knew why he had felt so free!
Hiya love your lil froggy story......... but what was your random question???
The "Random Question" was:
The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:
150 characters to tell the story about the bald frog and the wig? No way!
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