Yankee haters rejoice! The first annual Dave's Little Blog October Goat award goes to none other than the $252 million dollar man himself, Alex Rodriguez.
A-Rod, whose post-season has been lukewarm at best, became a lock for the October Goat when he hit into a double play in the ninth inning last night, leaving the Yankees one out away from elimination.

And eliminated they were, by a guy with a cooler name, K-Rod. By the way, $252 million dollars is, like, a quarter of a billion dollars.
Being called a goat is a bad thing! According to dict.org, one definition of goat is "laughingstock, stooge."
Not only is my blog entertaining, it is also educational!
A-Rod's contract is the largest in the history of sports. Tiger Woods, etc., make more money because of endorsements, but in terms of actual contract with the team, A-Rod makes the most moolah. This contributes significantly to his goat status, because with that kind of paycheck, one is expected to deliver.
I have another interesting fact to share! I discovered that goat is also used as an acronym.
GoAT means Go Away, Troll.
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