My blogging has been way down over the last month, but not without reason. I'm aboard the emotional roller coaster of a job search. I want to be a professor when I grow up, so I've been busily applying to open faculty positions. Twenty-three so far:

"But wait," you say, "that's only nineteen!" Right you are. There are actually two in Pittsburgh, and I think some of the east coast ones got bunched up. Number twenty-three is here:

Although it may appear that I'm just applying to any place with an opening, that is in fact only partially true. My vetos fall into one of two catagories: 1) schools that are lame, and 2) schools that are in Texas. Actually, I'm okay with a semi-lame school if it's in a really cool place. I also bent the rules and vetoed Louisiana Tech under option 2.
So far, only two responses, both rejections. Oh well, they're all long shots. All part of the aforementioned emotional roller coaster.
I have at least four more applications to go, which all fit nicely on an east-coast map.
The map is made with Google maps. But there's a catch--the default Google map doesn't let you enter multiple locations at once. I searched the web (Google, of course) and I found this guy who wrote a web-based program that interfaces with Google maps and plots multiple places. It's pretty slick.
Good Work Dave! You have really put all your coping tools into play in this blogpost:
1) Use of neato interfacing freeware
2) Plotting data for visual representation
3) Expression of your hopes, fears, and excitement on-line
Of course you have other coping tools too - Such as the positive affirmation "I am attracting the perfect job for me right now."
Love you!
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