Friday, November 16, 2007

Dinner in Seattle

Mmmmm, sea urchin.


Dave said...

Ah, Kate, your culinary tastes are so very pedestrian. Someday you shall grow to appreciate the wonders of the sea urchin. For me, that day came on Wednesday. I dined at Shiro's (, and the urchin was the special of the day. "Very fresh," they told me. I think it was in the bay earlier that afternoon.

Dave said...

I for real ate it. It was very sweet, in fact, nothing like chicken or shoes. The Wikipedia entry describes it as having a consistency like a heavy custard, and actually that's about right. It is served with soy sauce and wasabi, and garnished with cucumbers and a lemon.

Annabel Hine said...

mmmmmmm... i love eating new and exotic foods!