Thursday, September 01, 2005

Saved by the Mandles

I'm talking 'bout man candles, not man sandals (a post in their own right).

I'm at my work apartment last night, showering up after a trip to the gym -- and the power goes out! At first it was on-again off-again, and then it was just off. There are no windows in my was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.

Okay, so I manage to bathe in the dark. But then I'm trying to get ready for bed and I can't see a damn thing. Then I remember -- I have mandles! They're right there in the same spot where I put them a year ago when I moved in. Lit twice in the first week, then expelled from my mind altogether.

Matches? No problem. I keep them stacked OCD-style on my cigar box, right there on the dinner table.

Once I got everything under control with the mandles, I took a look outside. Sure 'nuf, the whole neighborhood was blacked out. Eerie! I was glad it wasn't a fuse in my building, because I might have actually had to deal with that myself.

Added bonus: no power means I couldn't set my alarm clock, so I got to sleep in!

1 comment:

Deb said...

I HATE when the power goes off while showering. I'm afraid of the dark.

Kate--I heard about that bloody mary thing in the mirror, I wonder if that works. Maybe I don't want to know. That's scary. I do however, enjoy a nice bloody mary after a hangover on a Sunday morning-now THAT's a good thing!

Great blog! I'm in upstate NY too.