Tiger got back on track last week at Hoy Lake, winning
The Open Championship (a.k.a the British Open). He got pretty choked up after the victory, this being the first since his father passed away. He's shown above with his wife, Elin. The media got lots of
pictures of tiger overwhelmed by emotion, being comforted by his caddy, and so forth. I couldn't bring myself to post the real tear-jerkers. Too much tender man hugging, I suppose. I didn't want to throw Tiger's soft side out there like that.
On a related note,
Nike has posted a couple of super-slow-motion videos of Tiger driving a golf ball. He is wearing Nike shoes, Nike pants, a Nike shirt, a Nike hat, swinging a Nike driver, and hitting a Nike ball. Nevertheless, the movies are pretty cool. There's even music. Here's the
side view and the
front view. Makes me wish I had an iPod that can play movies.
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