Thursday, August 30, 2007

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

In an episode of sudden productivity loss yesterday, I did a web search for Christopher Walken. For the life of me I can't remember the sequence of thoughts that led me to do this. Here's the best thing I found, and old SNL skit with Will Ferrell:


Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! That is a really old Will Ferrell! The good ol' days of SNL!

Anonymous said...

I swear that's one of my favorite SNL skits of all time. After some down years, that was a nice up period on SNL.

I can't listen to that song without thinking about this skit.

Classic line:
"I'm just like everybody else: I put my pants on just like the rest of ya, one leg at a time. Except once my pants are on I *make gold records*"

Dave said...

It looks like we may have been among the last to watch this skit on YouTube...I just tried to go there and got a "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation" message. Bummer!

You should try searching for a picture of the real Blue Oyster Cult. The SNL guys pull off the look perfectly!